Friday, August 5, 2011


Here are some things I am learning in my crazy, hectic life with two children....with some random pictures I have taken the last few weeks!

  • I am learning to enjoy the little things in life: uninterrupted showers, hot meals, full nights of sleep, a clean kitchen, reading a get the picture :)

    Putting up with a photo shoot! hehe
  • I really really love my husband. He is so great! I am one of the lucky ones that found true love!

  • It's hard finding time to spend alone with my husband, but marriage is worth fighting for!!!

    Super cute, even when crying!
  • Laughter really is the best medicine and its contagious!!!!

    This girl can get some CRAZY hair!
  • My children are unique and have different strengths and weaknesses. I am learning to accept and enjoy them for exactly who they are. I am learning to build and encourage them according to what they need. It is fun and challenging!

    Pool time!
  • God really does care about the small details in my life and will guide and help me along the way if I let him.

    Saffryn "sharing" her stuffed animals! What a sweetie!
  • It is important to have friends that have children, too. They remind you that you are not going through this crazy journey alone. They can empathize, encourage and challenge your parenting, marriage and personal growth. They are priceless. Thanks friends!

  • An understanding smile and kind words from friends and strangers when you and the kids are having a hard day can really lift your spirits.

  • I appreciate my parents and in-laws so much more now! I honestly don't think I could do this without their support, brainstorming, laughter, love, countless tips and encouraging words!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes it needed that many exclamations).

  • Did I mention I REALLY love my husband!

    Using his muscles!
  • Routine, routine, routine! I am learning that my children THRIVE when I keep to a strict routine. It can be very hard for me, but it helps them so much!

    Sometimes I find this when I go to strap Pierce in his car seat...hahah! Can you believe she does this all by herself!
  • Good intentions will never beat out a toddler and infant. I have so many good ideas and intentions, but the follow through is very difficult when taking care of two young ones.

  • There is always time for laughter, fun, hugs and kisses. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!


  1. Tylie, you are like the best mom ever!! So sweet, so tender, so encouraging, so thoughtful!! I admire you and all you do for your family:)

  2. Haha! I love that picture of Pierce in that purple seat. And that is so cute that Saffryn put the bunny in the car seat :)
