Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Alright, time for our marker experience! She first tried them out when Gigi was over this weekend. She learned VERY quickly how to open the lids! So our rule is markers MUST stay at the table in her room. I really don't want or need any extra "decorations" around the house...hehe!

She is really fascinated with opening them and closing them. She has even learned the word "open". It sounds more like uppy...but hey that's pretty close :)

She actually uses them to color, too! I think since the color shows up so much better than crayons, and is easier to make the marks on the paper it is more fun for her to color with them.

Enjoy the pictures of our budding little artist!

What a cutie!!!
Trying to open and close the markers!
Its hard work!
Concentrating :)
I know you were wondering what Crash was doing while we were creating works of art....chewing on his bone right next to us!
 She was in a pink and green mood. That's the only colors she chose to use! A girl after my own heart :)
I forgot to mention another rule we have....Markers are not for your mouth. If they go in your mouth you will be all done. Well after two warnings she decided to put the markers in her mouth again and forced me to follow through! I couldn't resist a picture of this though...LOL!!!!
HAHAH!!!!Her hands after the project...heheh!
We had a special request for a picture when she started using markers...so here you go Grandma McFarlane :) It will be in the mail for your fridge today!!!! 


  1. I love it! She's so creative already! Fashion statements are already being made by her. Green lipstick will SO be in soon :)

  2. This looks like so much fun!!! I'm dying to try out the tub crayons Crayola makes - just wash baby right down in the bath after they are done. :) Maybe the girls would like to try them together sometime...Mandie

  3. Terri~ I thought the same thing...green lipstick is SO going to be in style soon :)

    Mandie~ That sounds fun! Lets do it!!!
