Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sensory Time

I have been so excited to use Saffryn's new table and chair once we got some plastic to cover the floor underneath it (a shower curtain...thanks for the idea mom) we got started!!!!

After some stipulation we decided to have a whipped cream sensory time. I know there are some debates about whether food should be used as a sensory/art item. I completely get that side of the argument: The child will think its always ok to eat the sensory/art item. It confuses the child regarding food and play. But after thinking and talking about it I came to the conclusion: Saffryn is so young everything goes in her mouth regardless of the item. Also I introduced it as a food and made it very clear that it was ok to eat it. There are lots of things we introduce that is a no mouth item so she has practice with that and will with other sensory/art items. And lastly...its fun and delicious so why not?!?! :)

So after letting the cool whip thaw out a little and getting her naked we set it out! I gave her a little taste and the are the results!!!!

YUM!!! This stuff is so good :)

I love the look on her face...hahah!

Using the spoon to get whipped cream, good for fine motor development!

How can you tell if it's a good project...if it's everywhere...LOL.

Using hands and spoon to explore the texture!

It's safe to say she needed a bath...and got one promptly! Thanks for helping Daddy!!!!

I will leave you with just one picture to show how advanced Saffryn is....

OHHH alright...she might have had a LITTLE help from me....hehe!!!!

What a fun project!

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