Sunday, October 16, 2011


This weekend Dan ran a 5k!!! He ran it in 26:48. Way to go!!! I am so proud of him. Oh and I forgot to mention he did that good while pushing two kids in a stroller...ya studly! Love you hunny and keep up the good work!

Dan and the kids before the race. The kids did great! Saffryn was so excited to run the special race and go fast with her Daddy!

There was a pancake feed after the race...yummy!

A picture of Me and Pierce after the race!
I was going to run the race with Dan, but recently have not been getting good sleep, which hindered my working out. So I just wasn't ready and decided not to push it. But Dan did such a great job and I had a blast cheering my love on! We are both looking forward to another race in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! GO DAN! And I absolutely love that picture of you and Pierce :)
