Pulling up on EVERYTHING!
Very very very interested in books! Her favorite book is "Puppy Love"...thank you Cousin Kevin!
She has a tooth!
She can feed herself! She loves to eat puffs, cherios, bananas and other soft foods. This makes such a difference for our meal times. Dan and I can actually eat together now! WOO HOO!!!
She responds to her name :)
She LOVES bathtime and swimming!
She is still as serious and thoughtful as ever!
Loves crawling around exploring the entire house (so glad to have that baby gate up now)!
Her favorite spot in the house: Well naturally it's Crash's food and water bowls!
Loves singing songs! Some of her favorite are: I've been working on the railroad, Bingo, The K-State fight song and the special song from her Papa.
Thats all I can think of right now! Here are some pictures of her at 8 months. She is so much fun and I LOVE staying at home with her and getting to experience all these milestones together! I always remind her that her momma is her best friend...LOL!
Enough pictures Mom!!!!
I know I am terrible at keeping up with this, but I will try to be better!!!!