Wednesday, July 3, 2013

10 months

Colt's 10month photo shoot started off a bit rocky...

Don't you just loved the look on Crash's face.

Then, the big kids helped cheer him up!

Playing peek-a-boo!

And it worked!

Thanks guys!

Colt weighs 25 lbs and is in the 92% and is 71% in height. He wears size 5 diapers, size 4 shoe and 18 month to 2t clothes. He officially shares clothes with his older brother!

He is SO busy! He never wants to sit still which makes changing his diaper a nightmare! Seriously. He is so strong and spends the whole time trying to get away from you. It is only laughable when you are not in the middle of changing his diaper...

He loves to be outside. He loves to eat. He loves filling and dumping. He wants to do anything and everything his siblings are doing! He loves balls. He loves Crash's food and water.

He is still nursing 3 to 4 times a day. We both love it. I have nursed him the longest of any of my kids! Believe it or not I have been pregnant when my other two were this age. I am still trying to process through how I feel about not being pregnant now. But I am enjoying nursing him!!! (No we are not trying to get pregnant right now or anything. I am trying to process how I feel about just that!).

This big boy is WALKING!!!! He easily takes 3-4 steps without falling! I told you he was strong and busy!

He does this with his lip a lot. It is so cute. I love it!

He has 7 teeth! His hair is still light brown. Though I see some gold in it, so maybe he will go blonde after all? He has such bright blue eyes!

He is my show pony and LOVES being the center of attention. When all eyes are on him he puts on quite a show. He charms everyone he meets almost instantly! I love that about him!!!

He takes one long nap in the afternoon and ones to bed about 7pm and wakes up between 5:30/6. He now sleeps upstairs with Pierce and is doing great! I am o proud of those boys!

Oh how I love this little boy!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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