Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My Days With Max

It has been a big adjustment for both of us to have all the other kids in school all day. We are slowly but surely figuring it out and trying to enjoy this last year before school together!

watching the kids get on the school bus. It is hard being the youngest sometimes!
Riding his bike waiting for the bus to come.
I love his sweet freckles.
He still has the same furrowed brow he had as a newborn!
His little fish are amazing!😂
Wearing his Halloween costume just for fun
Homeschooling for preschool!
Working hard on his school work with momma!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Golden Light

I love the beautiful golden fall sunlight!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Some May Pictures

spring thunderstorms
kindergarten visit day!
how can that be comfortable?!?
working on our space unit for homeschool!
pretty sunset!
silly boy!
sweet friends!!!
my Mothers Day gift!
the kids all helped me plant
all done!
I hope I can keep these all alive!
Where did all the kids go?!?
Victory in the Valley 5k!
so cute!
balloon release
puppy snuggles
learning black jack with dad!
I love taking pictures of the sky! haha
the kids found feathers at the park and wanted to do an art project with them!
they are so creative!
our first swim of the summer!
doing a special craft with Saffryn!

That was a few pictures of our May!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Running Club

My two oldest kids decided to join the running club with school this year! They met twice a week and either ran in the school hallways or outside in the playground together. It wasn't always easy for them but I am so proud of them for sticking with it to the end! To wrap up the end of the year they had a parent run day.

I was able to go and run with them. It was so cute! We did the stretches and warm ups with them. Then we went and ran on a local trail. After the short run we got to have snow cones!

Good job kiddos! I'm so proud of you!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Another Camping Trip

For my birthday weekend we decided to go on another camping trip. Well let me clarify: Dan and Colt talked me into going on another camping trip! The forecast looked cold and windy so I had decided to just forget about it and try again another time. Colt was so disappointed and kept talking about it. Dan kept checking the forecast and explaining how we could probably make it work. It did sound like fun so I relented and we started packing up and getting ready.

We got to the site and started setting up!

We got our tent all set up and our firewood ready to go!

We had a great time exploring and eating dinner together.

However, about nine o'clock this very strong, cold wind picked up. We all bundled up and sat by the fire but it was pretty miserable. We contemplated wether we pack up and call it quits or tough it out and go to bed. We decided to try and tough it out. So we got all tucked into our sleeping bags and went to sleep. The kids fell asleep very quickly. I finally started to doze off when the wind picked up even more. It was whipping the tent around so badly I was afraid it was going to break! I checked the clock and it was about 1am. I peeked to see if Dan was awake and he was. We were discussing what we should do when the wind temperature got even colder and the wind got stronger. Yup we needed to go.

I'm sure it was a comical sight to see us trying to back up that tent and sleeping bags in that horrible wind at 2am. We were so cold and so tired and so wind blown! The kids were such troopers just waiting in the warm car while we shoved everything back in the car. We made it back home at about 3:30 in the morning.

Even though it was kind of crazy I don't regret going and trying. It was a fun and crazy adventure that I'm sure we won't forget!