
Thursday, October 22, 2015

More Random Pictures

More pictures I don't know what to do with. 
While doing my nightly rounds around the  house before going to bed I saw this adorable sight. A somehow naked Max snuggling with Pierce! Sweet boys!
Colt climbing our lattice work. He was much higher but I got onto him before taking the pic.  See. I can be a good mom. Hehe
Napping with momma
Silly baby
I have been trying to encourage this girl to embrace her newly curly hair! I may have finally won her over. 
She doesn't get that from Dan or me. I love it. I always wanted curly hair!!! I'm not sure my hair could get any straighter! Ha!!!
Happily playing the iPad!
After a snack of yogurt. 

Okay that's all for now!

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