
Friday, October 16, 2015

Old Random Pictures

I am just trying to clean out my phone and I see lots of random pictures that I am not sure I have ever documented. Since this blog is ultimately for my family as a memories keepsake I thought I would go ahead and share these. 

How cute is this picture?!?!
Saffryn got these for her birthday. She was so excited!
Saffryn got this huge lolly for her birthday
So cute!
So cute!
Friends!!! Maroon 5 concert!
Maroon 5 with these beautiful ladies!
At the concert waiting for Adam! Hehe
When Max broke his arm at the ER. 
Poor baby. 
Pierce loves wearing his monkey suit. 
Playing in the fountains with our friends. 
Eating at the park with our friends. 
Papa and Max 
Sweet Max
Big boy sitting on the couch
Pierce's Tball team
Yummy cupcake
Trying to hold Max's hand to try and calm him down during shopping 

Ok almost caught up!!!

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