
Monday, December 30, 2013


Warning: long post!!!

So for those of you who don't know and actually care (lol) we have decided to homeschool our children. Let me go ahead and answer a few questions before I continue. 

1)How long? I don't know! Maybe we will only homeschool for a year and find out it doesn't work for us. Maybe it will be a few years. Maybe it will be until they graduate high school. I don't know. And I don't think that is an important thing to know right now. It is completely overwhelming to think about me teaching my children high school subjects...eek! So I am just taking it one year at a time. 

2) Aren't you worried about socializing your children? YES!!! I am worried about a lot of things. I agonized over this decision for a long time. I researched, thought and prayed about this. And the truth is there are 101 reasons to homeschool your children. There are also 101 reasons to send your children to public or private school. So this is not a cut and dry subject (also please know I don't care to debate this subject. I want you to choose what is best for your family. Our answers to that question may look different and that is OK!!!!) At the end of the day it really excited me to try this. I will do the best I can knowing I will fall short in some areas. And remember answer 1? I am not tied to this forever. If this isn't a good fit we move on. That is incredibly freeing! 

Wow this is going to be a long post. 

Ok moving on. 

Today was a no nap day. Do your kids ever have those days? You just know nap time is failing? Well that was today. And instead of fighting it I embraced it and decided it was time for a homeschool "project" as I like to call them. 

I needed to have something all of the kids could participate in. I decided an art one bc we haven't done one in a while. How about car painting?!?! The boys love cars and it will be a great way to incorporate art. I originally thought about doing it at the table but realized Colt wouldn't really get to participate. So I took a deep breath and did it on the kitchen floor. I told the kids the rules (stay on paper, no throwing the cars) and let them loose. 

So fun!!! I was thrilled that they all enjoyed it so much. They did great following the rules...even Colt! 

They then tested the waters by getting their hands and feet painty. 

Now about this time I was obviously a bit distracted with the hands and feet painting. Colt decided to use his speedy quick ninja moves to drive his tractor on me...

Now I need to clear up a misconception about me. People seem to think messes don't stress me out at all and I welcome them with open arms. While it is true some messes don't stress me out (spilled drinks, some sensory things,ect.,,) some very much do. And about this time I. Was. Feeling. It. 

So I took a deep breath and told myself "it's only paint. It can clean up." But looking around I honestly didn't know how that was going to happen. How was this going to not turn into a giant disaster? I tackled Pierce first and just wiped his feet off with a wipe, took off his clothes and diaper and sent him to the tub. I then did the same to the other 2. Then I had a brilliant idea (if I do say so myself). I put the cars and paint buckets in the tub and asked the kids to help me clean them up. They thought it was a great idea and loved being able to help!

While they got started I quickly ripped off the paper and wiped down the floor. Good as new!

Then I rinsed our clothes out in the sink next to them and stain sticked everything. And the paint all came out! Phew!!! The kids loved playing in the tub and helping clean up. They did a great job!

The best part? It took all afternoon! It was a great project and one that makes me so excited to be homeschooling! I am looking forward to many more "projects". And while it's true I loved doing these things before I decided to hs I love having a clear vision as to why I am doing it and being more intentional and consistent. 

Also here is the end paper. I love how it turned out!

The kids kept saying, "Dad is going to love this." Weeeell...your dad puts up with my crazy antics not sure he loves them! Lol!!! 

Thanks for always supporting me Dan! You are the best!!!

Anyway, look forward to more blog posts of "projects" as I navigate this whole new world of homeschooling!


  1. Your life is your own and if you want to try something go for it. If it doesn't work then at least you tried. You are an amazing mother

  2. I think this is great. I sort of want to homeschool, but I know it is not a gift I possess. Me +teaching = epic fail. However, don't worry about socialization. I think that is a load of crap. You have, well almost, 4 kids learning to get along in a family is plenty of socialization. Plus, I am sure you have playdates and take them out into the world to play at the park and so forth. I think this is great and hope you post more on it! Although, I think Saffryn and Leighton would be in the same there's that. :)
