
Friday, December 20, 2013

Bunny's Monster

One day while getting ready for Christmas Saffryn tells me she wants to get special bunny some Christmas presents. My heart was filled with joy. She is so sweet and this just reminded me how young she still is. Then my practical side took over and I thought...ya no way are we spending money on my daughter's stuffed animal. After a few minutes I thought of a different solution. What if we made special bunny something for Christmas? Saffryn was overjoyed with this idea.

So one afternoon while the boys were sleeping I talked to Saffryn about what she wanted to make. She said Bunny would love a ballerina or a princess. So I pulled out some of our art supplies (craft sticks, tape, scissors, glue, glitter, feathers, ribbons, paper and markers). In my head I pictured using the craft sticks to make a stick person then decorating it using our other materials. Before I told her my idea I decided I wanted to see what her ideas were first. So I laid the materials out and told her she could go ahead and make her gifts.

You know she never asked me for my opinion. She jumped right in and started cutting, taping and creating. She worked ALL afternoon on her project. When she was done I was completely blown away! I asked her to tell me about Bunny's gift and she said it was a monster!

Me: "I didn't know Bunny liked monsters."
Saffryn very emphatically: "Oh yes mom. She LOVES monsters."

But seriously is this not the coolest thing. The orange part on top is the hair. The two dots on the top left are the eyes and the purple is the mouth. The yellow is the body. It looks just like a monster! Her creativity astounds me. This is so much better than my lame stick figures would have been. And she was so proud. She did it all by herself. I literally did not touch one part of it.

This picture is to show you the size by comparing it to a craft stick. It is HUGE! I just love it so much. I want to save it forever.

But the project is not done yet! We had to wrap it for Bunny of course!!! So I cut some manageable squares of wrapping paper and then let Saffryn do the rest.

There she is busy wrapping away. In the end she made Bunny 3 gifts: a monster, some Christmas trees using craft sticks and a telescope she taped together.

There is her finished product. She even made some name tags for the gifts. This was her project though and through and I could not be happier that I got out of her way!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I am amazed too!! I am loving your spoken gems and blogs post!! Your family is so amazing and fun!! Each time I read your blog, I think, if only I could live next door to you. Oh the fun we could have and help we would have:)
    p.s our girlies are so much alike, but what a mess they would make in the artsy, crafty things-ha ha

  2. This is awesome in so many ways. Way to go mom and Saffryn!
