
Friday, January 3, 2014

16 Months

So I somehow missed Colt's 12 AND 15 month pictures and posts. Sheesh. Poor kid. So here is his 16 month post. 

He is a big boy!!! His height and weight are both in the 90ish percentile (can't remember exacts). He weighs close to 30 lbs and was 33.5 inches long. He is in size 5 diapers, size 2t clothes and size 7 shoe. He has almost all of his teeth now as his incisors are trying to push through. He has light brown hair and bright blue eyes!

He is a really busy boy. I think sitting still is his least favorite thing to do. Well that and being quiet. He is literally the loudest child I have ever met. He doesn't scream really anymore he just makes a lot of noise and his voice carries. I mean he is LOUD! He loves to climb, jump, run and throw. He is very physical!!!

He really loves his siblings and wants to do everything they do. This can be such a frustration for him because he can't always accomplish what they can. But I am continually underestimating him. Just when I think he can't do something he proves to me what a big boy he is and does it no problem!

He loves music. I have recently started doing a circle time with my kids for homeschooling and of all the surprises I think Colt likes it the best! He will sit and sing songs with us and do flannel stories and finger plays with a big smile on his face. It is so fun!

He is a great eater (obviously). He has started drinking from big boy cups without spilling it everywhere. He still has a paci which I tried to get rid of recently. It was so funny because he did great during the day and for naps but had a really hard time at bedtime. He had a hard time falling asleep and then would wake up several times during the night. So we are compromising with a 90/10 rule. He has it for 10% of the time and I am really okay with that for a while. 

He jabbers constantly. It is so cute! He also has a few words now: ahh duh (all done), ada (again), no, ju (juice or really just drink), moe (more), nie nie (night night), ball, bye bye and my favorite...Mama!!! Which by the way he says about 100 times a day. He always checks on me while he is playing or eating or if he is sad or excited I hear "Mama. Mama" He signs please and eat. 

His favorite song is "We will rock you" by Queen. He says "ada" after we hear it once and will start getting fussy until it's back on then he immediately gets quiet and dances when it comes back on. We listen to that song several times a day. LOL!!!

He is a hoot! Though he is busy and loud and determined to get his way we all think the world of him! He is a joy and makes our world a little brighter (and louder). 

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