
Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 Years Old

I can hardly believe miss Saffryn is 3!

She weighs 31 lbs 50% and was in the 86% for height. She is wearing 4t clothes and size 9 shoes.

She is a hoot and a holler.

This little girl has a big personality!!! She loves to talk....but only to people she feels comfortable with. She loves to be silly and act crazy. She wants constant attention and hates to be by herself (just like her mother)! She wears me out! LOL!!!

She is a creature of habit and likes things to be just so. She is a people pleaser deep down and so wants praise. She is a deep thinker and has a hard time shutting off her mind. She fights sleep constantly and will push herself to the edge. She is a great eater and will try lots of new foods. She loves special drinks!!!

She is really loyal and has a big heart. She is kind and compassionate. She loves her brothers and has made a great older sister. Her imagination has just taken off recently. She loves to play with dollies and does the funniest things with them. She still loves special bunny and takes him everywhere. She loves music and dancing. She can be a huge help to me! She is sassy and witty. She has us laughing all the time!!! Like I said she wears us out because she is so busy and needs/wants so much from us.

It has been so much fun watching her grow and learn these last 3 years! I am so proud of the little girl she is turning into!!! We sure love you crazy, intense and special girl!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Tylie, she is so so BEAUTIFUL!! Love her blond hair and she looks so much like you. Loved reading about her personality, what a hoot for sure:) Happy Happy 3rd year with many many blessings:)
