
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sensory Time

Since we were once again cooped up in our house thanks to germs I thought I would have the kids help me in the kitchen. I got their hands all washed and made a big to do about baking some pumpkin bread! (Recipe from my mother-in-law. Get it from my sweet sister-in-laws blog here).

We get into the kitchen and I start getting the ingredients out only to realize we are out of eggs. Oh yea...I used them all up during breakfast. Shoot! What kind of goof doesn't remember they used up all the eggs and wont be able to bake? ME!!!! Ugh. Mom brain strikes again.

The kids were super disappointed and wanted to help me in the kitchen. What to do?What to do?

What about a sensory time?!?! I found some old oatmeal in the pantry. BOOM! Go me!

The kids had a blast! They loved dumping, stirring, filling up the oatmeal container and tasting it. They probably had more fun doing this than they would have baking with me because I was not constantly telling them "No". Lol!

Oh and the best part. Oatmeal is so much easier to clean up than flour! I think I have found my new go to sensory item!!!!

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