
Thursday, November 29, 2012

18 months

Pierce is 18 months old!

He weighs 26lbs 55% and is in the 65% for height. He is wearing 2t clothes, size 5 diapers and size 6 shoes. Still has white blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He has found his voice both literally and figuratively!!! He is talking so much. He repeats everything we say now and can communicate using words. It is so much fun to listen to him. He has mastered the word, "no" and says it with so much sass! He has realized that he has opinions and maybe doesn't just want to do what is asked of him. It is really hard no to laugh when he says no. He will even say "no way" sometimes. So funny!!!

He is mr. go with the flow! He is super laid back and isn't too easily rattled. He is truly a great listener and can be very obedient! However he has a bit of mischief in him, too. He is very busy and loves to push the physical limits. He tests boundaries and has found ways to push Saffryn's (and my) buttons. Lol!!!

He seems more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. He doesn't like to be left out of anything. He hates having to take naps, but always sleeps for several hours so I know he is tired. He sleeps great at night! He is my reliable sleeper!

His new favorite food is French toast! He can easily eat three whole pieces! Haha! He prefers juice over milk. He loves caya ( Still carries his lovey blanket everywhere. He is obsessed with Colt. He loves Crash, trucks, balls, books and music. He is learning to sing along to lots of different songs.

He is a charmer. Quick to smile and love. He has a big heart and is a joy to be around...even when he is feisty! I keep thinking we are close to potty training him because he is showing lots of signs. I actually got him to poopy in the potty and it scared him! LOL! Now he wants nothing to do with it. So I will be patient and let him take his time!

He is such an easy kid. Often he will go off and just play by himself. He is so low maintenance. He is so so much fun. We are all crazy about him!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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