
Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 months

I feel so behind on these monthly posts for the kids so I will try and catch up!

Littlest boy Colt is now 3 months old!

He weighs 18 lbs!!! Sheesh! He is in 6-9 month clothes and is in size 2 diapers but when this box is done will be moving up to size 3! Big boy!

He is so so sweet! He is really starting to open up and play and interact. He loves to be held and has started to love sitting up (with assistance of course). He is an excellent sleeper and has started sleeping through the night! That is the bonus of having a huge baby! LOL!!!

He has beautiful blue eyes. I think he has such special eyes. They are the kind that you look at and can see straight to their soul. I can just tell he has the most beautiful soul. I told Dan that once and he started laughing and said, "Wow! Biased much???" I had to laugh, too! Of course I am biased! I am and will always be Colt's number one fan! But seriously...most beautiful little spirit.

Colt's number 2 fan is his older brother. Pierce ADORES him. I literally cannot keep him away (which when Pierce is sick with say...hand, foot, is incredibly stressful). I love that they already have a strong bond. I see so many adventures in their future!

It can be hard being the 3rd but he is not lacking love.

I could not be crazier about our new addition! It is such a joy being his mom. I feel so lucky getting to raise him. Now if only we can keep him healthy through the winter. So far not getting so lucky. He is battling RSV and handling it like a trooper. When he gets well I think I am going to brave putting the boys together. Wish me luck!

Colt is awesome! I love him. The end.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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