
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week With D&D pictures because it will be faster and easier for me!

Playing outside...a bit chilly!

The new sweatshirt Grandpa Darren got Pierce!!!

Pretty much awesome!

Swinging with grandpa

Driving in the car with Deana!!!

At the zoo

Looking at the animals

Pierce and momma at the zoo. Poor guy wasn't feeling well.

Colt did a lot of this at the zoo. Hehe

Bench pic take 1

Bench pic take 2

Haha well 2 out of 3 are looking!

Lots to see

Our evening at the lake and fountains!


Great pic!

So cute!

Grandpa Darren with little Colt Darren!

We had a great time! Thanks for coming!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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