
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Need Meeter

Since my last post I have had lots of things I want to blog about. So many ideas swirling in my head and tons of pictures (point for me!) to share...but have not (literally) had even one free moment to spare! So here is a brief catch up!!!

Last week we had company! My dad and Deana came to visit. We had a great time with them. I don't think Saffyn ever left my dad's side.

This week has been super BUSY! I went grocery shopping with all 3 by myself, took Pierce to get a haircut, got family pictures taken and other miscellaneous errands that needed to get done.

***In the middle of writing this 2 out of 3 kids decided not to take naps and needed my attention. My train of thought is gone...hmm what was this post going to be about?!? Lol!***

So the title...the Need Meeter. First picture saying it in an Arnold voice..."ya I am the need meeter!" There are just needs that need to be met all day and night. The breakdown of my need meetings are as follows: Crash and I get about 3% of my time and attention, Dan and household chores get about 7% and the littles get 90%! How do such little bodies have so many needs? Hehe!

Trying to find some balance and extra time. But for now just know we are still here! Sorry if I have neglected you in anyway. I am trying!!!

I am going to spend the next few days at home with no real agenda (other than the meeting constant needs), because I have found having 3 is very doable as long as I have nothing else I need to do or worry about. Lol! But maybe spending some quiet time at home will help me catch up on chores, emails, blogs, thank you's, etc.

Here are a few pics until I can do more posts!

Colt sleeping

My precious boys!!!

My poor neighbors...

Boy through and through

Saffryn playing hide and seek with Crash and Pierce

Crash found her!!! Haha

Hoping to magically find some more time soon to catch up! Until then...

***i hope this post doesn't sound too whiny. I love what I am doing!!! But it is just very very busy right now!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. So right now it seems Sadie alone gets 90%...and that's with just ONE kid! What am I going to do when more come along?!
