
Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Mom Party

While we were playing downstairs together Colt needed to go down for a nap. So I told the kids what I was doing and headed upstairs expecting them to follow me. They have been very attached recently (I'm sure you can guess why).

After lying Colt down I realize they haven't followed me. They are very quiet downstairs. the dilemma, do I give up this moment of peace and quiet (which have been rare) to check on them OR do I enjoy a moment of quiet and deal with the consequences later?!?! I choose quiet and sit on the couch for a moment. It was lovely!!!

I then hear the kids coming upstairs. They come walking to me hand in hand. Saffryn says, "I helped him." I then notice what she is talking about:

She helped him put on these sparkly shoes! Haha! They were both so proud. Then Saffryn proceeds to tell me that they are going to "The Mom Party" and that is why they have fancy slippers. Then they walked away hand in hand to go to their party!!!

And that is what happens when boys have older sisters! These kids are so awesome! Thanks for the laughs my sweet littles!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iP


  1. oh my gosh. MW wears those same glittery shoes every day. {not in public HA!} He loves all Lo's sparkly shoes. Sometimes he even gets his big toes painted blue because he just wants to be apart of all our girl fun. ;) Glad I am not alone on that one. HA! Cute kids.

  2. HAHAHA LOL! The Mom Party! HAAAAAAAA I want to go :)
