
Saturday, September 29, 2012


Our little town is having some celebration days which included a parade this morning and a carnival all weekend!

Well we missed the parade because I forgot about it...oops! Lol. But we did make it to the carnival!

I wasn't sure what to expect so I was really impressed when we walked up and saw actual rides!!! But there was also an animal show, vendors for crafts, food and games! We didn't stop and watch the animal show but Pierce sure loved walking by and seeing all the dogs!

We then went to the bouncy blow up things. Descriptive I know...but really what do you call them? Anyway we thought the kids might like to play on them. Saffryn did for a couple of minutes but Pierce had no interest.

Saffryn was very curious about the rides (and let's be honest Dan and I were excited about them, too) so we headed over there. They had several little little kid rides so we bought a handful of tickets and decided to try them out!

***Me: "I can't wait until we can take the kids to a Six Flags and all ride together."***

First Saffryn wanted to try the cars! She was excited. She picked the blue car and got buckled up. I went in to help her then of course had to walk out. She wasn't too sure about that. Then without much warning the ride started. Saffryn completely loses it. She starts crying and screaming. It was kind of sad and kind of funny.

Before the ride started

After. Can you tell she is screaming? Poor girl.

Well she gets off and we make a big deal about how good she did. We must have done a good job comforting her because she runs to this spaceship ride and begs to go on. Lol! Well not quite ready for that!

We decided to try the merry-go-round because Dan could go with her (I was "wearing" Colt). That was a big win! She loved it!!!

Pierce was so sad that he couldn't go with them...he wasn't big enough for this ride. So we found a ride him and Saffryn could do together. Well once he was on the ride he started crying. He didn't like being left. Well about half way through the ride Saffryn started getting upset. Round and round they went screaming! Dan and I are terrible we just laughed and laughed!

Well we decided to only do the rides that Dan and I could do with them. So next up..the spinning teddy bear.

They were unimpressed to say the least. Saffryn hated when it spun so Dan had to hold it still. Haha.

***Dan: "yeah six flags is a long way off!' haha***

Well since the merry-go-round was the only ride that she liked and we had 2 tickets left we ended our rides on that one!

But we weren't done. What is a trip to the carnival without cotton candy and other goodies?!?! No picture because we were busy stuffing our faces. :)

What an eventful afternoon! Maybe next year rides will be more fun...hehe!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. You're kids are hilarious! And I also love that you can't wait to take them to Six Flags! I looooove roller coasters but the last time I went I got super nauseated and that has NEVER happened to me before. (It also could have been due to the fact that I was pregnant and didn't know it, bahaha!)
