
Saturday, September 29, 2012

1 Month

I can hardly believe it, my sweet littlest boy is one month old! How does it go so fast? I swear my last month of pregnancy dragged on and on, but this last month has flown by!

I am one of those crazies that LOVE the newborn stage. I just try to soak in all that baby goodness! I love holding them, rocking them, holding them skin on skin, nursing them (when the latch is correct) and just loving on them. Little Colt I just cannot get enough of you!

I am not too sure of his weight and height because we don't have another dr appt until next month. But he is growing so fast! He is in size 1 diapers and wearing 0-3 month clothing. Just a few days ago I put him in a 3 month outfit and it was none to big!

He is a decent sleeper and will have a 3-5 hr stretch at night. The 5 hour ones are awesome! We are figuring out breast feeding and will be so happy when it is like clock work. He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day eating about 3-5 oz!!! Such a good eater. That's how he is getting so big! LOL

He is such a sweet and easy going baby! He loves to be with all of us. He already loves his siblings! He likes to be held upright. He enjoys his baths. He still has a full head of dark hair. He is a love baby! I am so glad he is a part of this family!!!

This is an accurate picture of what being the third born looks like. He is almost always being touched, talked to, sat on, etc... Lol! He is such a good sport.

My hands may be full, but so is my heart!!! Happy one month littlest boy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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