
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


How exactly do you respond to your toddler saying, "Today was a fun day!" when in actually the last several hours have been some of the most unpleasant hours spent together in recent memory?!?!

Hmm...well I guess you suck it up, give her some grace and forgive her, find a picture of the two of you that makes you smile and remember all of the great qualities God has given her.

I guess that is how you respond.

Oh and jump for joy when the hubby comes home!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Hahahah! I'm sorry but her response just cracks me up, as a fellow mom of 3 I can tell you the loooong and hard days get easier once you are able to sleep through the night. Hang in there!

  2. You are so pretty am an amazing mom!
