
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another first

Today we had another first! We took the kids to get haircuts!!!

Pierce was starting to get shaggy...and well Saffryn's hair has a life of its own usually so I guess it was about time. Although we really only planned on getting Pierce's hair cut.

So first we went to Super Cuts and put our name on the waiting list. They said it would be about 20 minutes so we drove over to Sonic and got some "special drinks". Saffryn wanted a green one :)

We then drove back over to Super Cuts and got seated. Dan got called first so he went over to the chair and the kids and I watched him. I figured what would happen is he would finish his cut then Pierce could sit on his lap while I took pictures and distracted him. Well while Dan is in the middle of his haircut they called Pierce back for his turn. Then they told me for safety reasons they wouldn't let him sit on any ones lap. He had to sit in the booster by himself, but I could hold him on there if I wanted to. I had no choice but to try it!

Oh my goodness! What a cutie! He looked like such a big boy. You can see Dan in the background..LOL far so good! I am so proud of my little man!

Pulled out the clippers and started trimming him up!

I just can't believe how well he is doing!

And there he goes....ok time to put down the camera and help the poor baby. I brought some snacks (from the tip of my good friend who has 2 boys so I consider her the expert!) and that helped. He did great! I forgot to get an after picture because...

It is kind of hard to see in this picture but Saffryn spilled her drink everywhere! My hands were full trying to help Pierce and Dan was still getting his haircut and seeing that the lady next to Saffryn asked if she could help clean her up a bit. How NICE of her! So there is a towel under her shirt and green drink all over the front of it. LOL. What is a trip out with the kids without a little mess and drama?

Pierce finished up about the same time Dan did so Dan held him while I went back with Saffryn for her haircut. Like I said we weren't planning to get her haircut but she started saying, "I want a haircut, too." LOL. Well Dan and I talked about it before hand and decided if she said that and acted interested she could get a trim, too. I thought maybe seeing Pierce get upset about it would deter her from wanting one..but oh no. She was NOT going to miss out!

Ok here we go! She was a VERY brave girl. She sat so still and didn't shed a tear.

What a cutie girl! We got a little trim to help her hair grow and settle down a bit!

Getting her hair ready for the cut! She did so great and enjoyed herself...

Can't you tell?!? Hahaha. Such a classic Saffryn look!

Well that was the time our kids got their first haircuts! They look so grown up now! Dan and I were so proud of them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness they are so cute! Love Saffryn's expressions :)
