
Thursday, March 8, 2012


Pierce is 10 months here is 10 things you should know about him!

1). This boy is Trouble...yes with a capital T! He loves getting into mischief. If I tell him no about something he will then decide to make a beeline for that item...over and over and over again...all while laughing hysterically. So if he is doing something he shouldn't (and obviously is not in danger) I just act like it is no big deal and he will get bored quickly and leave it alone...but if I tell him no....

2). He is standing by himself now!!!! He has even started taking a few steps! He started last weekend at my in-laws! Everyone saw it so I'm not just a crazy..wishful thinking mom...just a crazy mom. HA

3). He currently has 5 teeth and is cutting 2 more. What a trooper he is! All those teeth in a few short weeks!!!

4). He is such a happy and friendly boy (which makes his trouble so much harder to deal with lol). He smiles so easily and all the time! He is so content doing his own thing and is just so happy!

5). He is such a wiggle worm and fights us at EVERY changing time. As soon as his diaper is off and he is wiped off he wiggles away and crawls off as fast as he can...which brings us to

6). He prefers to be naked. I decided not to add any of these pics...maybe another time. LOL. He is the absolute happiest when he is in his birthday suit! He will literally crawl half way around the house to avoid getting any clothes or diapers on!!! It is the funniest thing.

7). He is such a daredevil! He loves to be thrown around, hang upside down, wrestled name it! It is such a change from our daughter who still hates it! She tells us...I don't like to go up in the sky...but Pierce does! She is right!!!

8). He loves to eat! He wants to eat whatever we are eating...NO EXCEPTIONS! That includes any treats we may be eating. Now I don't give him anything and everything we are eating (treats and other choke able foods)...and he will sure let you hear about it!

9). Even though he is so sweet and happy he is SO STUBBORN! He has a mind of his own already! He will not take no for an answer and will do it his way in his timing. End of story!

10). He is well loved. His sister is crazy about him. His mom is head over heels in love with him and him and his dad are best buds! He is the perfect boy for our family. Dan and I talk about the fact that God really knew what he was doing when he gave us our children. They are just right for us!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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