
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sugar AND Spice

Some of Saffryn's recent moments!

"I running fast a my can!!!!" - she hasn't figured out the usage of as, of, or for. Lol. It cracks me up

"Who got a me?" - meaning who got this for me...which I hear ALL the time!

"Mom, you're killing me" - in an exasperated tone

Me- "Saffryn will you close that door so Pierce wont go in there?"
S- "You don't boss people around. That's not how you talk to people. You say please.". - she may have heard that a few times recently because of her demanding attitude...LOL

While talking on her play phone
"teeya hoenee H -O -E -Y." once again she may have heard me say and spell my name only a thousand times while on the phone. Silly baby

While I am putting some cereal away Saffryn points to the Quaker oats guy and asks, "Mom, is this Elton John?"
Me-start laughing then finally say, "no!"
S-"Well it is a guy, right?!?!"-in an annoyed tone
Me-"Ya it's a guy, but it's not Elton John."

And the last one I can think of right now.
While playing with her animals she lifts her shirt up and proceeds to nurse it. She says,"I'm feeding it with my booby."
Me-"oh ya? What are you feeding it?"
S-"Oatmeal...and peas."
Me-trying not to laugh
S-takes animal off and hands it to me. "here momma you feed him now."
Me-trying to not look completely appalled while thinking there is NO WAY I am going to "nurse" this stuffed animal.
Me-"you know I am a really good burper. Maybe I could burp him for you?"
S-thinks for a minute then says, "ya ok."
PHEW!!!!! That was a really weird close one!

Here is a pic of Saffryn and her headband that she has started wearing. Pretty much the coolest thing ever!


  1. You have me laughing so hard!! Love all these!! Some sound so similar to my little miss. I tell her not to be bossy or sometimes mouthy to me and she tells me that when I am redirecting her or even just talking to hollis:) So hard not to laugh when they are so "cute" but really being a bit naughty:)

    BTW I have a cute name for you. I thought it was a girl at first but with your post about feeling ok and not sick I think that it has to be a boy:) But I love the name Brielle (sp) not sure how to spell it but you say it "Bree elle" Isn't that cute with Mahoney:)

    Keep the post coming! I want to comment on everyone but a lot of times I have a kid on me or needing something, but I love all of them!!

  2. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! I could not stop laughing!
