
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Sleep

I am writing you to let you know why I haven't been spending as much time with you recently. We used to spend so much quality time together and now our time is very limited. I am not going to use the old "It's not you it's me line" because it is not you or me. Actually it is my children. They just don't feel completely comfortable with you yet. I have tried many many different things to help them get comfortable with you and get to spend more time with you, but it is not helping as much as I was hoping it would.

You know Saffryn pretty well but the truth about her is she always seems to have one ear open to the world so as not to miss anything. This can really hinder your time with her. Don't take it too personally though, she is just too busy for her own good. She does not always see how good it is to spend time with you.

Pierce is getting more comfortable with you, but seems to need me as a buffer once or twice a night. Thanks for being patient because I can tend to want to push him out of this phase and forget sometimes it just takes time.

There will come a time when my children will meet with you regularly without my assistance. That will free me up to have more time with you and I am SO looking forward to it. But in the mean time thank you for your patience. I am not sure how long this will last, but I know it is better for your long term relationship with them if I help support them now. I know how good you are for us and appreciate even the slightest meeting we get to have. I have come to appreciate you so much more and do not take you for granted like I used to.

I just wanted you to know why I had to leave your presence so often during the night. Just remember it is not you...they are slow to warm up to everyone :)



  1. Ahhhh I needed to read this today. Sleep and I have the same relationship - rocky at best. Someday, someday, someday, we will get back together. And it will be beautiful. ;)

  2. Oh geez! I will soon be experiencing these feelings...only 1.5 months to go!
