
Monday, January 9, 2012

Solid Foods

I am learning so much about Pierce these days. Some of the things I have learned about his eating habits are:

He HATES baby rice and oatmeal. He gags with each mouth full and gets so fussy. I thought it was just the newness of solid foods but he does not gag on other foods we have tried. I mean he gags EVERY bite any time I try it with him. HA!

He has tried sweet potato, apples and bananas so far and loves them all.

He loves to feed himself. It makes a big mess but it is so good for his eye hand coordination.

One day Saffryn was eating crackers for a snack. He was watching and kept reaching and trying so desperately to get one. I decided to try it and just see how he would do. He was a pro! He took tiny bites and gummed them to death.

He loves to be a big boy and is wanting to eat more and more solid foods. Now I have to get busy and make him some more things. Next up: carrots, peas, green beans, pears, blueberries...yum!

Isn't fun learning things about your children!!!!

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