
Thursday, January 12, 2012

8 Months Old

  • Mr. Pierce is now 8 months old!

  • He is a cuddler! He loves to be held and kissed!!!

  • He is SO busy

  • He has a full head of blond hair. He might need to get a hair cut soon!!!

  • He has a tooth!!!!

  • He loves to play with his sister

  • He is a great eater and is doing so well with solids!

  • He likes to explore and loves to be hands on

  • He smiles and laughs a lot

  • He is our sensitive boy and still makes the saddest faces

  • He is an absolute joy and Dan and I could not love him any more!!!


  1. You have sweet and beautiful children! Can't believe Pierce is 8 months old already! :)
