
Thursday, December 1, 2011


So for Thanksgiving this year we went out to Colorado and celebrated it with Dan's family. The kids and I actually went several days early and spent some time with my family before Thanksgiving. I really enjoyed seeing all the family. But all I have to say is: What. A. Week.

It was literally just one thing after another for us. Some were minor annoyances and other's were serious are just a few of the "highlights"

-The kids both caught colds at the beginning of the week. Coughs, runny noses, congestion, clingy...

-The kids kept waking up every hour or two which meant I got almost literally no sleep

-Saffryn fell many times one landing on my mother's coffee table with her head. I was sure we would end up at the ER, but she ended up being ok

-Pierce choked on a sticker. When I say choke I mean the real deal. Was not breathing, bright red and I had to sweep his mouth to get it out....the most terrifying 15(ish) seconds of my life. I have never felt so helpless

-Crash tore his ACL on his other leg while playing

-After what seemed like the longest drive home (and one huge poopy explosion) we make it home only to have me finally catch the cold they both still have

Are you stressed and tired yet? too!

It was a HARD week for us. But really it was fun seeing family. The kids really did well besides the colds, no sleep and accidents. Anyway here are a few pictures of some of the more fun moments of the trip.

Saffryn "helping" me pack for our trip. LOL. She is such a cutie!

Yaya and Pierce

Erydin and Pierce

Papa Steve and Pierce

Our Thanksgiving meal. I am taking the picture and Saffryn is under the table chasing Coco.

Yaya got a LOT of art supplies for Saffryn. She spent almost all day exploring all of them!

Saffryn and Erydin doing art together!

The kids with Oma and least Pierce is smiling..LOL

Oma and Pierce

Opa and baby Pierce

Dan pulling her up to the little lift.

She looks so tiny in the tube!

Saffryn and I at the tubing hill. She was NOT sure what to think about it. It was pretty fast for a little girl.

Pierce and I watching everyone tube down the hill!

Dan and I tubing together. Love you sweetie!

Saffryn and Kevin playing together!

The cousins playing together. This was the best pic of could get of the three of them. LOL!
Thanksgiving week in a nutshell. I am so thankful for my precious family! I am so thankful for every single second God gives me with them!!!!


  1. Poor momma!!! I have been there with two sick kids and no daddy:( and all they want is momma!! It is so hard and exhausting!! Whew--you wore me out! But that family time is so precious!! Hugs friend!!

  2. Sorry it was a tough week friend. That does not sound like fun. P.S. I like the shirt Saffryn is wearing in the suitcase picture :) And Pierce is ADORABLE in that K-State track suit!
