
Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm 2

Can you believe this little cutie is 2!!!! (And I am only a month behind)

I had a really hard time getting her to cooperate for these pictures...this was the best I could get. LOL! OH well it is accurate representation of her life stage!

She was showing me how to "freeze" LOL!


Weight: 26.8 lbs (52%)
Height: 35.5 inches (86%)
Wearing: 2T clothes 7 shoe

Language: This girl has turned into our parrot and repeats most EVRERYTHING! The scary part about it though is she seems to remember what she repeats and actually says it later in an appropriate context. Time for us to really monitor what we say. LOL! She is basically speaking in full sentences. She remembers so much.  She can count to 10. She knows her ABC's and is learning letter recognition, she knows all her colors and knows so many many songs!It is really fun to see her mind turning and her figure out a concept. Right now she is trying to figure out Christmas!!! She saw some decorations today and said, "Look momma its Christmas." Seriously this child blows me away!

Motor Skills: She is usually at a full on sprint most of the time. I am so not exaggerating and I think it is pretty typical of the age! She loves loves loves to climb and jump and will find ways to get that need met. The funny thing about her though is she is not only good at gross motor she is really good at fine motor things, too! We practiced threading beads at my mom's house and she is great at doing stickers, coloring, etc.

Self Help: This is a big one for us now!!! She can put all items of her clothes on by herself! That does mean that they can be on backwards and inside out. It also means that I dress her in one outfit for the day and she sneaks into her room and completely changes her outfit into something of her creation. LOL! What a capable and competent girl!

Potty Training: She is now wearing, "Big girl underwear"!!!! I am so proud of her. Potty training her has been such a breeze!!! She got the concept really easily and was motivated by getting to wear underwear and praise. She has only had a few accidents in the last several weeks. I put her in pull-ups during nap time and bed time because I think that is too much for her to handle and I don't want an accident to wake her up. She loves getting to choose what underwear she wears for the day and usually changes her mind half way through the day and picks another color. LOL. Hey, whatever works!

Likes/Dislikes: She loves music, animals (especially dogs), to sing and dance, watching movies, her friends (who she talks about ALL the time), her grandparents (Who she "calls" on her phone all the time), getting fancy, "Special drinks", candy, reading books, tickles, k-state football games, playing with balls, running and jumping. She does not like: holding still, taking pictures, not feeling in control, being by herself (I can totally relate), and many other things. She will actually tell me know, "I dont like that."

NapTime: Is basically non-existant at this point in time. If she sleeps that is the exception not the rule. At first I was really frustrated by this...I need a break!!!! Then I took some good advice from my MIL and make her have a quiet time in her room. I got her a little mini ihome for less than $20 and set some music on for her (between 30 min to 1 hour worth). Our deal is she can read books, play puzzles or do stickers while the music is going. When the music stops she can come out. So far it is working pretty well. She is currently listening to ABBA...her choice!

Personality: She is such a thinker and always has been! She is serious, introverted and can be quite shy. But don't let that fool you she is such a sweetie! She loves to be helpful and loving to all of us. She has an amazing sense of humor that keep Dan and I laughing all the time. Oh the things she comes up with!!! She really loves her brother and now tries to play with him...on her terms naturally! She loves to explore and get messy (wonder who she gets that from). She is VERY particular though and likes things to be in their proper place. She has strong ideas on what she wants and will not settle for anything less (which Dan and I love about her). She is so funny. I could write all day about her.

I can't believe she is two! AAAHHH. Time please slow down!

1 comment:

  1. I love that she is already her own person :) What a fun and beautiful personality already!
