
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spoken Gems

Here are a few things Saffryn has recently said:

Me: Ahh Saffryn I'm pooped!
Saffryn to me: Not in your underwear momma!

Saffryn to me: I need some help T-Cup.

Me: What would you like for a snack today?
Saffryn: Umm...a burger!
Me: Well I don't have any burgers right now. How about some crackers?
Saffryn: I don't think so.
Me: Ok. How about some popcorn?
Saffryn: That would be fine.

Saffryn to Dan: Hey Hunny, where are you going?

Hahah! She is such a funny girl! As Dan says :Two year olds are a blast!!!!

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