
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I wasn't too sure how the kids were going to do on this trip. I knew it was a LOT of driving. It was a place they have never been with people they aren't very familiar with. I was so pleasantly surprised. Literally as soon as we got out of the car at my grandparents house Saffryn had warmed up to my grandparents and loved exploring their house! I couldn't believe it. My shy and reserved girl really opened up. Her and Pierce just did great. They didn't take great naps but crashed so hard everynight. They absolutely loved getting doted upon by so many people and had a great time. Dan and I loved being in cooler weather, lovely scenery and just l-o-v-e-d seeing my family. It was a GREAT trip. So glad we went. Thanks to my grandparents for keeping us for a week! As I already mentioned I took alot of pictures so there will be several blog posts about this trip. But for now enjoy some pictures of our first day at my grandparents!

Grandpa and his great grandbabies!

Pierce and my grandpa

Momma and Pierce. Gotta love the floppy hat!

Saffryn loved watching the dogs play. You can see my shadow too..LOL

Crash playing with my grandparent's dog Shadow. Trust me when I say he thought the long drive was worth it!

Daddy and Pierce relaxing outside. The weather was just PERFECT! Such a great change from our heat wave back in Kansas!

Saffryn loved Shadow!

Both of the dogs were so good with the kids!

Saffryn enjoyed playing in the dogs water pool! Behind her is my grandparent's vegetable garden and the old barn. They used to have lots of animals. Now they just have some barn cats :)
Stay tuned for more on our vacation!

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