
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Little House on the Desert

I can easily say what the highlight on the trip was for Saffryn. This little house:

This is a little play house in my grandparents back yard! Saffryn spent COUNTLESS hours in there. She had tea parties, did dishes, swept the floor, washed the appliances, opened and closed the door, locked the door and managed to talk everyone in to playing in there with her!

Peeking through the window :)

Just the right size for a little girl!

Close that door!
Here are some pictures of my grandparents playing in the house with her. I think they won "The Best Sport" award for the week! They were great sports all week! So relaxed and easy going and just let my kids be that..KIDS! We can't forget all the love they showed Crash. He also had a great time! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

There was really only room for one adult in there with her. But don't be fooled my grandpa drank just as much tea as my grandma :)

Such a fun memory for us!

Grandma and Saffryn
Now my  sweet sweet cousins also get an award for the week. They win "Most Devoted" award. They completely showered my kids with love and attention! Both kids totally soaked it up. Saffryn adored them and did not want to leave their sight for even a second. She still talks about "The Girls" or "Byce and Peypa". I cannot even begin to tell you how fun it was for her and what that meant to me. They showed her how to do so much and spent the most time in that house with her I am guessing!

Starting the organizing and cleaning process :)

So busy!

Bryce helping Saffryn

It was hard to get a picture of them because they were so busy!

Sweet Bryce :)

And don't worry...Dan and I spent our fair share of time in there, too. I think Dan spent even more time than I did...LOL. What a good daddy :)

Saffryn look at the camera!

Thank you!
Now just in case you haven't gotten your fill of pictures here are a few more of Saffryn busily playing in her favorite spot. Man oh man did she LOVE this play house!

Pouring tea

Serious work..

She set that all up!

Love her!


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