
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Utah and Colorado

We just got back from a week and a half long vacation to you guessed it...Utah and Colorado! :)

My Mom, Step-Dad, Oma and Opa, Sister and Brother-in law live in Colorado. Dan's Brother and sister in law (and grandma, aunt and cousin) live in Colorado. Both of sides of my grandparents, almost all of my aunts and uncles and cousins live in Utah. So we got to see a lot of family...mostly mine.

We left Wichita Wednesday afternoon and made it to Colby, Kansas before we had any major melt downs. But we HAD to stop in Colby because both kids had had enough. I never realized before but there is actually a playground in the "Oasis on the Plains"!!! THANK YOU!!! Totally saved the day. Dan played with Saffryn while I fed Pierce, walked Crash and then played with both of them for a bit. The sun went down and we set off again. Both kids slept until we got into Colorado Springs! WOOHOO! Good job kids.

My mom is now known as Yaya (Saffryn's idea). And Saffryn just loved Yaya's and Papa Steve's house! They have two dogs (always an area of interest to my little girl) and lots and lots of fun toys for her to play with. It was a really fun day with them. Then we drove up to my sisters house! SO CUTE!!!! We loved getting to see her and Steve and play in their super fun backyard. Kicking myself for not getting pictures that day...sigh.

The next day we left the house at 5am. Thats right you read that correctly. We were on the road to Utah at 5 AM!!!! Our hope was the kids would sleep for a few hours and we could make some decent progress without them realizing they were in the car. IT WORKED! They both slept until Rifle, Colorado! Then we stopped and had a long breakfast and hit the road again and made it to my grandparents around 2pm. I don't think the kids even shed a tear that trip. Can we say troopers!!!!

Now I did get pictures of our time in Utah...only about 150. LOL! So now I have the daunting task of organizing them. Well here are a few on our way out to Utah to give you a little taste :) I will be working on the rest ASAP! I know you are on the edge of your seat...haha.

My cute little sweetie relaxing in the car

The car packed to the brim. Crash is back there somewhere..LOL

Pierce napping a little in the car


Dan laughing at me being ridicoulos! If you are curious about the background that is right outside of Grand Junction, Colorado :)
 Welp...look forward to more...about 145 pictures more..hahah :)

P.S the spell check wasn't working...I am a terrible speller...If something is really mispelled just smile and keep reading!

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