
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

18 Months Apart

I have recently been reflecting on having my children 18 months apart. I must say the first few weeks (minus the one where my mother was here and did everything) were HARD! I mean really hard. Like every day I felt like I had no idea what I was doing kind of hard. But then it slowly got easier. We all adjusted, I got a little sleep and started being realistic about life with two small children. And I can say now in all honesty it is so great.

Playing in "Coupe" together!

It was a tight squeeze but they didn't seem to notice :)

What our table now looks like. Saffryn in a chair like a big girl and Pierce in the high chair!

Saffryn doesn't even remember what life was like without Pierce. She asks about him all the time. She really enjoys seeing him smile and engage with her. She talks to him in the car seat now and is getting so much better at sharing my attention! Pierce is such a joy to our family and I cannot even remember what it was like without him. Yes having two can still be hard and a juggling act, but they are just the most special gift God has given us.

They love to pay together!

Daddy finds ways for both kids to play! :)

I cannot describe what I feel when I see them playing with each other. I love that they are going to be close. I love that they are going to be able to do the same things and go through similar stages their whole life. My heart feels so full. They are worth every single second of work they bring. Actually they are worth it times maybe 10...ok lets just say they are beyond special to us. WE LOVE YOU KIDS!!!!!!!


My sweet babies!
So to sum it up yes I really enjoy having them 18 months apart. Although I think I just enjoy having them. It doesn't matter how far apart they are. They are irreplaceable :)


  1. Can't get over how we are living double lives! Right down to the new double strollers - I think I scheduled the post about ours to go out tomorrow. ha!

  2. Aww!!! I love them together. They are so cute :)

  3. So precious! I love the pictures of them in the car together and the one of Saffryn giving Pierce a hug. So so sweet!
