
Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The last part of our vacation was a day and a night in london before we flew home. We took the train from Liverpool to London. We then walked around and saw some fun sights!

Book club book!

The view from our hotel room! After we spent the afternoon walking around we found a little hole in the wall Indian restaurant and ate dinner. It was so delicious and felt like a true London experience.

As we were walking back to the hotel after dinner we saw a bus advertisement about a bus night tour. We thought that sounded fun as we didn't get to see everything with our walk that afternoon. So we went ahead and booked the tour for that night. It was such a blast!

We rode on top with the open air! The tour guide was hilarious. Such a great experience.

We really enjoyed London. It was neat to see such an historic city. It was a perfect end to our trip.

There you have it! Our U.K trip. It was really fun and memorable. Thank you, Dan for a special way to celebrate 10 years of marriage! I look forward to the next 10 and more!!!

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