
Thursday, July 7, 2016

From Head to Toe

My dear wonderful Colt,

I love you from the top of your head that loves to wear all sorts of hats

Down to your thick, dark chocolate brown hair

I love you from your sparkley blue eyes that reveal your kind and gentle soul

Down to your cheeks that still have a slight bit of baby pudge left (that I secretly hope never goes away)

I love you from your sweet mouth that has a gentle smile on it while you play

Down to your very loud voice that absolutely loves to sing and make noise 

I love you from your busy busy body that climbs so high, jumps so regularly, runs so fast and plays so hard

Down to your hands that are learning to do smaller tasks like draw and write

I love you from your tummy that seems to never have enough to eat

 Down to your feet that have some new shoes you are so proud of. Shoes that you can now put on all by yourself

I love that you are deeply loyal. I love that you want to be a police officer and use your strong body to protect and help people. I love that you are a class clown and will do anything for a laugh. I love that you are a momma's boy through and through. I love that cars are your favorite thing. I love that you have never met a food you didn't like and enjoy cooking. 

I really and truly love you from the top of your head down to your pinky toe! You are one of a kind!


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