
Monday, July 18, 2016

A Weekend of Moving

Several unexpected fixes and months later we finally sold our house in Texas! Which means...we finally got to move into our own house! My inlaws were so very gracious to let us stay with them. They were so patient and truly didn't sweat the small stuff.  A big huge thanks to them!

Last week was closing day for us! Dan took a few days off to help me with the movers and unpacking (thank you my love!!!). Here are some pics of the long weekend. 

Max got really sick a few days before closing. That made packing and organizing a little trickier. So I had to make sure and take breaks to snuggle him
Right after closing! We are home!
We decided to do an emergency painting session for Saffryn. Her room was a very dark green. It made the room feel very small. Her bed is a loft bed so once that goes up it is ridiculous to try and move it. So we figured we better paint before the bed came!
She chose orchid lane. I love it. A very soft and soothing purple!
Picnic meals on the floor before furniture came!
It was moving day!!! It rained so hard the morning the truck was supposed to come. I was worried they wouldn't be able to work, but it eventually slowed down. 
Baby wearing my sick and clingy boy while directing the movers. 
The movers brought in a large floor piano. It was like xmas!!!
Boxes galore!
More boxes 
Someone had reached their limit. Poor sick and overstimulated baby. 
The deck was the first room to get done! We are super excited about this space!
The other side of the deck. 
Starting to unpack. Overwhelming. 
Living room mess. 
Put up a picture collage in the master bedroom. I love it!
Kitchen is done!!!! Eventually we want to paint some things in here and do a few small projects. But for now it's great!
Had to take another snuggle break!

I can't forget to thank my many friends! They were all so eager to help me! Watching kids, bringing meals, bringing a few groceries, texts and calls, coffee. Thank you sweet friends. You guys are the best!

There is a little glimpse inside our weekend. Still have LOTS to do!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you are home!! Your little max...super sad! Prayers and hugs as the days pass and you unpack.
