
Monday, July 20, 2015

Vacation Part 3

We also visited my mom's parents: grandma and grandpa Gregersen!

Grandma and grandpa with the kids!
My grandpa showed the kids his garden and some of the property. They chased him on the bike. Lol! They loved it. 
My grandparents have this giant rock pile near their house and the kids were so excited to go explore it!

Little lizard
Max enjoyed exploring around. Theme of his week. Wandering and exploring. 
There was some nasty clouds and some loud thunder that echoed in the mountains...
And scared my little boy. He literally ran and hid in my legs. I thought it was so cute and just had to try and snap a picture!
Starting to doze while the big kids explored the big rocks. 
Enjoying dessert 
The boys. 
The girls!
Saffryn fell in love with their cat and wanted to bring it home so badly. Ha!!!
Riding with grandpa!
Water gun fights!
Dan riding with Saffryn and Colt
Peyton and Pierce!

Well we are winding down on the pictures however there are things not pictured: talking with aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. Playing rocket ball (the coolest made up game). Prairie dog hunting. Water balloons. Scrap books made by the kids. Yummy food. Lots of laughter. 

Dan got a wild hair on the way home
And decided to go home in one day instead of breaking it up into two. Let's be honest it was LONG. The kids seriously did awesome though. We listened to this particular song probably 20 times.  Take a guess as to what song this is....

Iron Man by Black Sabbath. Hahaha. It's like a lullaby for our kids. They could be screaming and we turn it on and they all get quiet and listen. Ya we are super weird. 

Anyway as you can see it was a special week! We made lots of memories. We got to spend precious time with precious precious people. I miss them all so much already. 

Thanks for a wonderful week. We love you all!

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