
Monday, July 20, 2015

Vacation Part 2

More pictures of our time in Utah...

Saffryn and Pierce got to try and use a beebee gun for the first time. And Saffryn was surprisingly good at it! She could aim
and hit targets by herself!

Walking around my grandparents land during a sunset. Seriously gorgeous out there! 
My dad brought the kids some fake teeth. They thought it was hilarious. Well at least Saffryn and Pierce did. 
Grandma and Max
Cousins playing together. 
Max wandering around. He loved exploring.
More wandering. Lol!
Horny toad!!!! We saw a few horny toads (or perhaps the same one multiple times). The first time the boys were resting. The second time we saw one and called the boys over to where we were. Colt saw it run away and started chuckling and said, "he's fat."  Hahaha. Compared to the lizards we see around our house he is! Silly boy. 
My grandma let the kids draw on the hot rocks with crayons. They get all melty and make neat patterns. The kids thought that was so cool!
Saffryn had a first and visited a cemetery with grandpa Darren and Deana. She has been so interested in this subject and really wanted to go. She got to put flowers on my great grandmothers graves (and hold the umbrella). She thought both things were pretty cool. 
The kids with Grandpa Darren and Deana. It was so fun to have them come out and spend time with us while we were there!!!

Still more...

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