
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

First Day of Swim

Today marks the first day of swim lessons! Actually it's the second go round for Saffryn and Pierce who took lessons last year before we moved. But it is the absolute first time for Colt!
Are they not the cutest?!?!

Saffryn did great! She remember a lot from our old lessons. She is a fish and really enjoys the water. She was a little nervous but got over that pretty quickly!

Pierce cried. A lot. Lol! He is so stubborn about blowing bubbles in the water. I think it scares him so instead of learning how to do it he just goes under and gets water in his nose which makes him more afraid. So his lesson was hard. He informed me afterward that he NEVER wants to go back. We will need to practice at home to help him overcome this!

Colt was somewhere in the middle. He didn't like it when they practiced without the goggles. He doesn't like getting water in his eyes. But otherwise he did pretty well. The instructor said next time she is going to push him harder to go under water. That will be interesting. Lol!

Max and I had a good time watching them! I am hopeful this will give us a good headstart for some water fun this summer!!!
And for the record I got all 4 kids to sleep this afternoon during naptime. Swim lessons rock! Ha! :)

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