
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

9 and 10 months

Max is growing and growing!

This little one has a BIG personality! He is very opinionated and determined. He is stubborn. I mean very very stubborn!!! He likes to be a part of everything. He is happy as long as he has gotten what he wants/needs otherwise he is screaming. Lol!!!

This boy LOVES to eat! We have started him on a lot of table foods and he loves to feed himself. He is still on formula in between meals! He just learned how to use a sippy cup. 

We have moved him into the boy room! That's right...all 3 boys are now sharing a room! It is going well!!! Max still wakes up once or twice a night but we just go in now and give him his binky and turn on some lullybyes and he goes right back to sleep. He has only woken up Colt once from screaming at night. We are calling this a win! He still wants to take 2 naps a day which is really hard in our schedule so I am trying to get him to drop his morning nap. 

He is crawling! He can stand unassisted for several seconds. He can cruise around while holding furniture. He is babbling a little bit. He can climb up stairs. Our next goal is using some basic sign language. He loves to scream to get what he wants so I am ready for that to end!
He is a smiley baby...

But I do see a lot of this

He still falls asleep in the car a lot!

We love this boy who is so full of balogna!!!

Can't believe we are quickly approaching his first birthday!


  1. Oh Tylie! My 4th (third boy too) is the exact same!! He is 17 months now and still loud, clingy, and demanding. I had repeatedly told him while in utero that as the 4th kid in less than 6 years (you have me beat a bit with the gaps) that he needed to be a quiet, laid back baby. Clearly he took that as a challenge and came out the exact opposite. He can be a delight and is well loved. But man, he requires some patience. Haha!

  2. Oh and this is Austin/Terri's cousin and blog stalker. Ann

    1. My husband and I were so hoping he would turn out to be an EASY toddler since he has been such a demanding baby. Lol! I assumed since he was the fourth he would just have to be wash going and get with the program. Wrong. I have to get with his program! Hahah!!!

    2. Haha! Yep, so much for doing what we want. I did find a trick for Kyle. He seems to like taking a "break" in the pack n' play for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. I put a couple fun toys, his "plug" and sometimes a snack in there with him, and he plays happily. So freeing to have free hands, without a screaming toddler chasing me, a few times a day.
