
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A few weeks ago I caught Saffryn planting some rice while we were outside. She kept calling them seeds. She was so frustrated when I didn't let her continue to plant rice "seeds".

So I decided to to take a due from her and get some seeds she could plant!

Getting ready to go outside. It was a chilly, windy day.

We have to fill up the big pot.

They did all the work!

Good job!

Smooth it out.

Add a little bit of water.

Pierce's turn

Add the seeds.

More dirt

Time to give it lots of water!!!

We are crossing our fingers that we are successful! It will be so fun for Saffryn if they grow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. This is such a fun idea! Can't wait to try this with Sadie someday :)

  2. I've awarded you the Liebster Award! Check it out:
