
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Little More of Pierce

Pierce kind of got the short end of the blog stick before (typical middle child

So here is just a bit more about him!

Doesn't he look so grown up! I can't believe how much he seems like a boy and not a baby!

Here is his big boy bed. He loves it. Overall he has done well adjusting to it. Naps seem to be the hardest thing, but I am working on being consistent so that will help.

He LOVES to sleep with animals. He picks all kinds of different ones and rotates them out.

Such a cutie!

He has been interested in potty training for a while. He is great at going pee, but has not wanted to poop in the toilet yet. We had no plans today so I decided to go ahead and try underwear and let him try and figure this thing out!

Saffryn wanted to show her underwear, too...

So far he has done great! He has kept them clean and dry and has gone pee in the toilet. I changed him to a diaper for naps then will try underwear again this afternoon.

Isn't he such a big boy?!?! Way to go buddy!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I feel like your kids potty train so early!! Nice work mom!
