
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snow Day

We finally got snow!!! It was so beautiful with large flakes falling slowly to the ground. But the best part??? Dan was home with us to enjoy it! So we all went out and had a fun adventure in the snow! Once we got outside we decided to take the dogs* for a walk on the golf course near our house.

*No we did not get a new dog. Froggie our dogphew (you know dog nephew. As in Dans' sister's dog. Clever, I know....) spent the holidays with us.

We all had so much fun. The kids loved walking around, playing in the snow and chasing after the crazy dogs. The dogs had fun sprinting all over the place, chasing some geese and running into neighbor's yards (oops). Froggie also got confused at one point and almost went through our next door neighbor's dog door. Thankfully our neighbor was outside and thought it was funny!!! He helped us get him back to our yard where we played a bit longer.

Snow days are the best. What fun we all had!!!

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