
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dairy Free

I have been dairy free for a little over a week. Can you believe it?!?! Ya me neither.


Well let me back up to October. Remember when Colt was sick with a virus and was at the hospital. It was NO fun. Well around that time his dirty diapers changed. I wont get into too much detail because I know you really don't want to talk about those contents. So I will just say it wasn't alarming per se just abnormal.

I started doing some research (what did moms ever do before the internet) and found that diapers can change with viruses. Well he did just have one. So I ignored it for a bit. Well, it continued on and I thought it could be a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. So I worked on making sure Colt was getting the hindmilk. The diapers didn't change.

So I talked with the PA at his 2 month check up. She said since he wasn't a fussy baby and was sleeping and growing well not to worry about it. I asked if I should change my diet and she said I really didn't need to.

So I decided to try and ignore it and not worry. It still nagged me though. So through the Month of November I just let it go. Well during the month of December his diapers seemed to get worse. He would scream when he went potty and his bottom was getting sore. He still wasn't a "fussy" baby but his dirty diapers were now a problem.

So the day after Christmas I decided to just try and get off dairy. When doing my research that was one of the possible reasons for the abnormality. I figured the worst it could do is be an inconvenience but the best is it could help baby Colt. I also learned that it can take up to 2 weeks for all the milk protein  to leave my milk so I need to try it for 3 weeks before any decisions can be made.

So thanks to a couple of my friends who have made this same kind of journey before me I started my week dairy free and loaded with tips and recipes.

And after the first week here are my findings:

1. So for the last several months Colt would wake up screaming somewhere between 4-6am with a very big dirty diaper. I mean up his back, out the sides, ect... yes. Every. Morning. I thought it was just something he did and didn't think too much about it. Well after being off dairy for just a few days those early morning blowouts are gone. Who would have thought?!?! In fact I can't even remember the last time this week that he had a "blowout" anytime of day.

2. His bottom is better. His frequency  of dirty diapers is also wayyyy down. The color has improved and is looking so much more normal.

3. I would never have described Colt as a fussy baby. But he is so much happier now. Multiple sources have commented on it to me so I know I am not just crazy. He smiles so SO much easier now. He laughs and is content for longer stretches. 

So it looks as though I will be staying off dairy for several months. I so wished I would have listened to my gut months ago when I asked the PA about it. But since he wasn't fussy I just kept putting it off. Oh well. Now I know and will move forward.

So since my friends gave me so many resources the transtion hasn't been to hard. I have found it takes more work and thought but is not impossible. So that has been a pleasant surprise. But getting of all dairy (and I do mean ALL) has given me so many strong cravings. I was not expecting that. I am also hungry a lot and need to eat fairly often. I guess since my fat intake is way down I just need more things to sustain me.

So that is why I am dairy free. And you know dairy free ice cream (coconut milk) and butter (palm oil) really aren't that bad. Actually they are yummy. Who knew? Lol!

So here is to the next few dairy free months. :)


  1. YOu can do it!! I did it for almost a year. But I sure was glad to have some of my dairy items back and actually after a bit ( two months or so) I did not really miss it at all.

  2. You can do it! It's always good to trust your gut I think, even if it means disagreeing with your health care provider. I am a PA and worked in peds GI pre-kids (now just in adult GI). My first born had bad reflux. I knew it all along and asked about Prevacid from his 6 week appointment on. But he was not fussy either and growing well so his primary pediatrician said it wasn't necessary. Being a first time mom, not eager to put my baby on meds, I tried to convince myself they were right. Well, finally at 14 months it was clear he wasn't getting better (and still not sleeping through the night!!!!) so I made an appointment and basically told them I wasn't leaving until I had a script in my hand. Prevacid was a miracle drug for him. He stopped puking and started sleeping through the night within 10 days and has ever since. For my next two I was much more assertive about reflux meds and avoided 14 months of sleepless nights. Good job listening to your gut! Sometimes moms know best and I say that as a practicing (part-time) PA. :)
