
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Four Months

Littlest boy Colt is 4 months old!!!

He weighs 19 lbs 11 oz in the 98% and is in the 71% in height at 25 3/4 inches. He is in 12 month clothes. Let that soak in for a minute. Yes, 12 MONTH CLOTHES AT 4 MONTHS OLD! Big o'l boy!

He can roll both ways. He is SO loud! He loves attention. He loves to jump. He no longer thinks eating is the best thing and gets distracted if the kids are around. He is still only breast feeding.

He has recently started waking up during the night. Boo! I am not sure why, but the last few weeks he has started to wake up one to four times. He still sleeps in our room. I keep trying to gear myself up to put the boys together but I keep being a chicken!!! But now that he is waking up so much I know we need to try something new but I am worried about the boys waking each other up. He also hates, I mean HATES his crib. He is currently sleeping in a nap nanny my friend let me borrow. Oh we have some work to do with this boy. Oh well...we will figure it out!

I am still dairy free and it has been the best decision. Several people have commented on how happy he seems now and they didn't know about the diet change! His diapers are totally normal now! Yay!!! In a few months I will slowly add it back in and see how he does with it.

This little boy is so sweet! He is so much fun! He hates being by himself. He loves his siblings, who sure love him back. He prefers his momma over anyone else (yay). I can't believe he is getting close to 5 months old. Sheesh!

Love you littlest boy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Awww what a lil man:) I had to laugh b/c my Landrey was still 19lbs at one and my Hollis hit 20lbs about 10 months:) Interesting that boys seem to pack on pounds easier:)
    Hope you can get the boys in their room soon. Just do it, esp. right now, you cannot lose anymore sleep than you already do...or can you? I am planning on doing the boys together and Landrey to herself. My girl and her personality, she just needs her space and her face lit up when I told her that she no longer had to share her room.
