
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Well I did it!!!

Last night I put Colt to sleep in his crib. It was pretty rough, not gonna lie. Trying to figure out the timing between the two boys so they wouldn't wake each other up was tricky. But we did it! He stirred a few times between 7-9pm but I gave him his binky and he went back to sleep. Then he slept until 12am. I wasn't sure if he was hungry or what but decided to feed him because it had been about 5.5 hrs. He ate great and fell right back to sleep until 2:30. I tried for about 30 minutes to put him back to sleep using his binky and keeping him in his crib. That did NOT work. I was really nervous about him waking up Pierce so I just gave up and fed him. He again ate great and went easily back into his crib. Then he woke up at 5. I was too tired to deal so I just picked him up and put him in bed with me (without feeding). LOL. I know, I know...but it WAS progress so I wont be too hard on myself. We both woke up for the day at 7am.

Tonight was round 2 of crib. Again getting both of the boys to sleep is tricky. I am still trying to figure out what would be the best way to do that. But they are currently both asleep so I call it a win! Colt has stirred a couple of times since 7:30 it is currently 10:30 but giving him a binky has done the trick.

Hoping he sleeps for a few longer stretches tonight. This momma is tired. But happy. And proud.

1 comment:

  1. Go you!!! I believe in you and I WILL say a prayer for you when I put my kids to bed.
