
Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Tattoo

Saffryn has recently been really interested in tattoos. You know...the kiddie kind. Pierce is really into whatever Saffryn is doing. So when Saffryn picked out a tattoo after a check-up from the doctor (how cool is our pediatrician having tats for kids) I made sure to get one for Pierce.

We got home and Saffryn rushed to put hers on. Pierce seemed interested so we (Saffryn helped) put his on his forearm. I let him peel it off when it was ready. He took one look at it then started screaming bloody murder!!! Saffryn showed Pierce her tattoos to try and calm him down. Nope still screaming. I tried to talk to him and make it fun. Nope still screaming. Finally I just put a long sleeved shirt on to cover it. Phew it worked. He sighed a big sigh and seemed so relieved! Silly baby!

I had bible study that night so it was Dan who put Pierce to bed. After taking off his clothes and changing his diaper Pierce started screaming bloody murder. He was holding his arm straight out and was just staring at his tattoo screaming. Dan rushed to put his pajamas on and once again as soon as the sleeve covered it he immediately calmed down and sighed relief!
Well I wiped it off the next day considering how much he HATED that thing. But first a few pictures!

Haha! Pierce wont be getting any more tattoos anytime soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! For what it's worth, those tatoos are usually really easy to remove with scotch tape. So, if he ever happens upon an unwanted tatoo again...Ha!
