
Saturday, November 3, 2012

2 Months

Littlest boy is 2 months!

He is not so little though! He is 15lbs 3oz in the 99%!!! BIG BOY! He was in the 25% in height haha! He is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers!

He is a really good sleeper generally and will have anywhere from 4-8 hour stretches! I am so beyond thankful for this considering naps are no longer an option for me (toddler

He likes to sleep in his swing in our room. However, he does not like it to be on. The movement keeps him awake. He has always been different that way. Most newborns love white noise and movement, but he has always slept better when it is quiet and he is still! LOL! I think the swing is comfy and makes him feel like he is being held so that is his favorite spot (next to my arms of course).

He is such a sweet baby! Super easy going. He just turned a corner this weekend and has been showering us with smiles! It is so fun! He loves his siblings so much and loves to play!

Nursing is going really well! We finally got a system that works for both of us! He has some mucus in his stools so the PA said he may be slightly lactose intolerant but since he is not fussy I am not to worry about it. I will just keep an eye on him and his diapers.

He is such a fun addition to our family! We are all completely crazy about him! I cannot get enough of my chubs!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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